Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Mercury Poisoning

Yesterday's visit to our Biofeedback/Homeopath was interesting! We've been focusing the past six weeks on an homeopathic approach to removing the mercury from Brooklyn (versus the traditional chelation approach). She tested 'positive' for mercury on our last visit - on this visit she continues to.

We never would have suspected mercury, had we not stumbled on the Generation Rescue website. Of course, this may not be the solution for Brooklyn's epilepsy - but we have learned the following:

Brooklyn has higher than acceptable levels of mercury in her body
Mercury can cause neurological disorders
The Mercury can be removed

So we can be hopeful right?

The Atkins for Seizures Diet has been a huge blessing for us. We are medicine free and have better seizure control than we ever had with Lamictal, Depakote, Zarontin, etc. But we continue to search for the 'cure'....



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